Rats Hooked on Junk Food!

Posted by Jesse Moran | | Posted On Tuesday, December 29, 2009 at 9:03 AM

Well I have heard it all now! It was published in Discovery News (Wed Oct 21, 2009 08:09 Science New)That rats can get highly addicted to junk food.

Who would have thought that feeding rats junk food would give them a similar addiction as if they were hooked on heroin! and well if it's good enough for the rats - which are used in so many scientific studies it just goes to show that we humans must be also highly addicted to junk food. Let's hope it doesn't get to the point where someone would literally kill for a burger!

But seriously, the waste that I have seen littering London streets at the moment is a disgrace, no wonder the rat population is exploding. There is enough junk food overflowing from rubbish bins that could be used to end world starvation. But no the rodents get to eat it til their full - and addicted to get their next fix!

Dead Rat! Squashed Rat!

Posted by Jesse Moran | | Posted On Sunday, October 18, 2009 at 11:25 AM

I ventured outside the building on Saturday morning to find this in the drive way! It must have been one fat rat that couldn't get out of the way of a car coming. Someone funny in the building tried to dress up the carnage by putting some fun fur over it.

I asked myself "what's the chances of a rat being run over" goes to show the extent of the rats in the area. They say that you are never more than 20ft away from a rat in London. Well it could be more like 10ft in Hackney Wick! Check out the size of this squashed rat I have shot my foot on purpose so you can get an idea of just how big it is!

Just for a bit of detail if you can handle it!

The Rats Are Back!

Posted by Jesse Moran | | Posted On Thursday, September 24, 2009 at 9:11 AM

Dear oh dear oh dear! I was woken up this morning at about 3am to the sound of ripping cardboard and plastic. I hurried downstairs to investigate and could find nothing so I returned to bed - a little spooked. Only to be woken up again by the same sound. I had recently bought two sound wave rat repellents off eBay. I thought with those and the new concrete work, the job was sorted but it appears the rats are back! And as it turns out after close inspection in the morning the cardboard and plastic ripping that I heard was my cereal box being demolished! Needless to say the remnants of the rat attack were quickly disposed of in the rubbish. The cheek of them! Oh well I guess they will be very healthy rats for a while. I guess it's round 3 now! I am going to purchase some more products to try and eliminate this problem. Will let you know how I go!

Rat Teeth - A Natural Phenomenon!

Posted by Jesse Moran | | Posted On Monday, September 14, 2009 at 7:32 AM

Well the Pest Control man came today. The bait that was laid down has been eaten. Now for the next step! Remember in my first blog I said that the rats had chewed through the cement in the walls around the copper water pipes - well as it turns out rats can chew through just about anything! They really are a marvel of nature! Did you know that the rats incisors (specialized for gnawing) grow throughout their life because they are open-rooted! "The eruption rate (the rate of growth) of the rat's incisors is very high: the adult rat's upper incisors grow on average about 2.2 mm per week (0.31-0.32 mm per day), and the lower incisors grow about 2.8 mm per week (0.4 mm per day) (Addison and Appleton 1915). It takes about 40-50 days for new tooth generated at the base to reach the tip. The entire tooth is therefore never more than 40-50 days old (Schour and Massler 1942)." Pretty impressive!
So the next step fill all possible access points with cement - but not just any cement cement with crushed glass in it or alternatively steel mesh - you see that's about the only thing that will deter the gnawing. However I will need to presume that they will find alternative access points so at this point it is a work in progress! Will keep you posted!

Rat The Size of a Cat!

Posted by Jesse Moran | | Posted On Tuesday, September 8, 2009 at 3:52 AM

Did you read the article about the scientists find in Papua New Guinea?
OMG I think they should come and check out East London! Check out this photo of the rat prints left in poured concrete not only are the prints huge but the depth of them suggests to me that it was a pretty heavy individual as well. Obviously a lot of available food around these parts with a food packing plant right next door. But seriously I wouldn't like to come across an East London rat in a dark alley.

It seems in my case here that the bait supplied has not worked (maybe due to the large population) and the electronic devices haven't seemed to have much effect either. So it's back to the drawing board for me to try and kill these giant East London rats - or at least try to keep them out of my place anyway!

What Do Rats Eat?

Posted by Jesse Moran | | Posted On Wednesday, September 2, 2009 at 11:58 AM

Rats eat a wide variety of food. They have voracious appetites and will eat almost anything. They are true omnivorous scavengers, but mostly prefer grain, livestock feed, and meat. Rats have also been known to eat soap, leather, furs, candy, milk, meat, vegetables, poultry, eggs, grain, seeds, fruit, nuts, snails and other rodents. A rat can eat a third of its body weight each day. The rat's main important consumption is water, as it cannot survive long without it. Rats need 1/2 to 1 ounce of water daily.

Two main types of rats, brown rats and black rats eat about the same things. But there are slight differences in preferences between the two. Brown rats or Norway rats eat nearly any type of food, but they prefer high-quality foods such as meat and fresh grain. These rats require 1/2 to 1 fluid ounce of water daily when feeding on dry food. Rats have keen taste, hearing, and sense of smell.

Roof rats or black rats generally prefer vegetables, fruits and grain, and consume 1/2 to 1 ounce food per day from various sources. They do not readily accept meat or fish. They like cereal grains, chopped apples, sweet potatoes, melons, prunes, pineapple, cookies, doughnuts, sweet chocolate candy, peanut butter, and tomatoes. They also consume an ounce of water per day.

Rats are nutritionally a little better than mice. Unlike the mouse that nibbles a little at a time, rats eat much more food in one sitting. Like mice, rats can live in freezers and they love to eat frozen food.

Rats have a habit of gnawing when they eat. Their chewing ability helps them to chew and gnaw through almost anything. They gnaw anything softer than their teeth. They gnaw papers, clothes, wood, plastics, water pipes, electric cables and other building materials. Their habit of gnawing causes immense damage to mankind such as fires, power shortages and flooding.

2012 Olympic Site Destroying Rat Habitat

Posted by Jesse Moran | | Posted On at 11:06 AM

I live right on the edge of the 2012 Olympic site. Recent earth moving, scuttling of buildings and general re-landscaping of the area has caused the destruction of possibly hundreds of thousands of rats in the area. Where are they to go but directly for the nearest safe haven, that would be my place on White Post Lane, Hackney Wick.

It started late at night - I could hear strange gnawing sounds coming from behind the toilet - hmm not nice at the best of times but after a quick inspection - it was solid concrete (although not the best of workmanship as you can see in the photo) I thought nothing is getting through there! I thought wrong! Within three days the not so little bugger chewed it's way through solid concrete to make entrance to my space. From there it was all over - being woken up in the middle of the night to hear the contents of the studio being unmercifully chewed is not a pleasant sound. So it was on to the landlord first thing in the morning. Thankfully within two hours the rat exterminators were here, they placed rat bait around the points of entry and through to the kitchen, however within two hours the rats were back in broad daylight no less consuming the bait. The problem was there doesn't seem to be enough to go around! So my fellow tired or squemish readers in the following posts I will hope to uncover more and more information about these rat invaders to find out what really does work for rat exermination!