Rats Hooked on Junk Food!

Posted by Jesse Moran | | Posted On Tuesday, December 29, 2009 at 9:03 AM

Well I have heard it all now! It was published in Discovery News (Wed Oct 21, 2009 08:09 Science New)That rats can get highly addicted to junk food.

Who would have thought that feeding rats junk food would give them a similar addiction as if they were hooked on heroin! and well if it's good enough for the rats - which are used in so many scientific studies it just goes to show that we humans must be also highly addicted to junk food. Let's hope it doesn't get to the point where someone would literally kill for a burger!

But seriously, the waste that I have seen littering London streets at the moment is a disgrace, no wonder the rat population is exploding. There is enough junk food overflowing from rubbish bins that could be used to end world starvation. But no the rodents get to eat it til their full - and addicted to get their next fix!


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