Rat Teeth - A Natural Phenomenon!

Posted by Jesse Moran | | Posted On Monday, September 14, 2009 at 7:32 AM

Well the Pest Control man came today. The bait that was laid down has been eaten. Now for the next step! Remember in my first blog I said that the rats had chewed through the cement in the walls around the copper water pipes - well as it turns out rats can chew through just about anything! They really are a marvel of nature! Did you know that the rats incisors (specialized for gnawing) grow throughout their life because they are open-rooted! "The eruption rate (the rate of growth) of the rat's incisors is very high: the adult rat's upper incisors grow on average about 2.2 mm per week (0.31-0.32 mm per day), and the lower incisors grow about 2.8 mm per week (0.4 mm per day) (Addison and Appleton 1915). It takes about 40-50 days for new tooth generated at the base to reach the tip. The entire tooth is therefore never more than 40-50 days old (Schour and Massler 1942)." Pretty impressive!
So the next step fill all possible access points with cement - but not just any cement cement with crushed glass in it or alternatively steel mesh - you see that's about the only thing that will deter the gnawing. However I will need to presume that they will find alternative access points so at this point it is a work in progress! Will keep you posted!


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