The Rats Are Back!

Posted by Jesse Moran | | Posted On Thursday, September 24, 2009 at 9:11 AM

Dear oh dear oh dear! I was woken up this morning at about 3am to the sound of ripping cardboard and plastic. I hurried downstairs to investigate and could find nothing so I returned to bed - a little spooked. Only to be woken up again by the same sound. I had recently bought two sound wave rat repellents off eBay. I thought with those and the new concrete work, the job was sorted but it appears the rats are back! And as it turns out after close inspection in the morning the cardboard and plastic ripping that I heard was my cereal box being demolished! Needless to say the remnants of the rat attack were quickly disposed of in the rubbish. The cheek of them! Oh well I guess they will be very healthy rats for a while. I guess it's round 3 now! I am going to purchase some more products to try and eliminate this problem. Will let you know how I go!


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